Saturday, October 24, 2009

Home Visit

I am now 36 weeks pregnant which meant it was time for the home visit with my miwife. I have been curious about this allusive home visit pretty much since I deided on a home birth. My curiousity grew as I would ask my midwife a question and she would respond by saying "oh I won't cover that till the "home visit". I thought what possibly goes on at this appointment. There is no way we cover every possible concern from the pregnancy.

So last Saturday was the day and I have to say it was kind of a let down. While I suppose the information was useful, it wasn't worth all the hype I had given it. My midwife just went over the ins and outs of what to expect during labor and after. All information that I have read elsewhere and learned from Avery's birth. She also had me do the Group B Strep swap. I was able to do it myself which is always nice.

By far the best part of the visit was that my mom sat in on the whole thing (about 3 hours long). I was happy to include her because she has been apprehensive about the home birth since I brought up the idea. And I think now that it will be in her house she is even more nervous, lol. But being able to meet the midwife and see how she does things really put my mom at ease. I am sure she will still be nervous during the actual labor but at least now she feels more confident in the whole process.

Now I am just ready for this little one to make her debut. I realize that I still have about a month left maybe longer but I can't help getting excited to finally meet her. To be honest we are actually not even close to ready yet. So hopefully she stays put a while longer.


Tatum said...

Hey Jessica. You might not remember me. Found your blog. congrats on #2. I am a few weeks behind you due with #2 in Decemeber. Your daughter is SO cute! Good luck with the birth and home delivery. I have a good friend who does the home birth/midwife thing with her kids and she LOVES it! I bet it will go really well!
