Saturday, October 10, 2009

So I am officially the worst blogger ever! But I will attempt this blogging thing again and see how it works. Here is a little update.

Shortly after my last post in April my computer crashed and left us disconnected from the world. Then in June Andy got offered a job in Arizona and so in a matter of weeks we packed everything and moved down to Phoenix. We are now living with my parents which has been a big adjustment for us but I finally feel like things are starting to settle down a bit.

I am now 34 1/2 weeks pregnant (with another girl) which means I only have a short time of feeling settled before the new addition. Also my little brother gets home from his mission a week after my due date and will be living here at my parents. So in a matter of weeks we will have not only another baby but my brother as well. I suppose we will just be one big happy family.

Anyway here are some recent pictures of Avery. We are currently in the process of potty training and right now the only way she will for sure go on the potty is if she has no clothes on. So around the house she is almost always bare bottomed.

This may look like she is blowing kisses but don't be fooled. She has discovered spitting and does this thing where she spits into her hand. Really disgusting!


Rachel said...

Glad your back!