Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cousin Time

One of the best parts about being in Arizona is that Avery gets to spend time with her cousins or tuzzies as she calls them. We love having them so close and being able to see them on a regular basis. Even though Scarlett and Avery have a hard time together, they still always want to see each other. If you ask either of them they will say they love each other and are best friends. But that doesn't stop them from screaming violently the next second. I think it is a 2 year old thing.
This picture is a perfect depiction of their relationship. Scarlett is happy and carefree while Avery looks really concerned about sitting so close together.

We love you guys!


Rachel said...

We love you guys too!
and mom's face in the background really sums up how she feels about the kids too.. hahaha